Press Releases
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (Florida-02) released the following statement after signing a discharge petition that would force Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the House floor for a vote.
“Deciding whether to give medical care to a baby who survives an attempted abortion should not be up for debate. Every life is precious, and the lives of the most vulnerable must be protected. To deny life-saving care to a child is murder and I will not stand by and let innocent lives be stolen. As a father, grandfather, and doctor, I am proud to support and cosponsor the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”
Congressman Dunn is a cosponsor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and an outspoken supporter of bringing the bill to the House floor for a vote. Unfortunately, the effort to bring this bill to the floor during the 116th Congress was unsuccessful; however, Republican Whip Steve Scalise and Congresswoman Ann Wagner reintroduced the Born-Alive bill for the 117th Congress in January 2021.
Background on H.R. 619, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:
- Requires that health care practitioners who are present at the live birth exercise skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child—the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born prematurely the same gestational age. After those efforts, the health care workers must transport and admit the child to a hospital.
- Requires health care practitioners and hospital employees to report violations to law enforcement authorities, reducing the number of born-alive abortions that go unreported.
- Penalizes the intentional killing of a born-alive child through fines or up to 5 years imprisonment.
- Gives the mother of the abortion survivor a civil cause of action and protection from prosecution, recognizing that women are the second victims of abortion and promoting the dignity of motherhood.