Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Neal Dunn (Florida-02) released the following statement after the Senate companion to his bill, the Launch Communications Act, passed the U.S. House of Representatives and was sent to the President’s desk. This bill will eliminate unnecessary barriers that impede private companies from obtaining spectrum licenses required to launch rockets and equipment from the United States.

“America has always led the world in space exploration and innovation. However, current regulations are holding us back from unlocking the next chapter in commercial space development,” said Congressman Dunn. “The Launch Communications Act will streamline the launch authorization process for commercial flights and allow the United States to continue being a world leader in space travel. I am pleased that the Launch Communications Act passed the House will soon be signed into law and urge the President to do so without delay.”

The Launch Communications Act requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to facilitate access to specified broadband spectrum frequencies for commercial space launches and reentries. Under current law, commercial space missions from the United States must use government-owned spectrum to communicate with rockets during launch and apply for special temporary authority to use such spectrum. With the advancement of new technologies, space innovation, and national security considerations in mind, the federal government must update these decades-old requirements for space equipment launches. This bill directs the FCC to adopt new rules for access to additional frequencies and requires the agency to improve coordination with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to streamline the authorization process.