Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Neal Dunn (Florida-02) released the following statement after the House of Representatives’ passage of the Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act (H.R. 6363).

“I am sick and tired of our government not working as it should. Florida District 2 and our nation deserve better. 

It is an age-old tradition for Congress to kick the can until a few days before Christmas to put extra pressure on members to vote for massive omnibus spending bills. That's why I opposed last year's last-minute, massive $1.85 trillion spending bill, and it's why I'm supporting Speaker Johnson's strategy to prevent that from happening again.

To be clear, I do not like continuing resolutions! This is not a viable long-term solution.  But Speaker Johnson was sworn in two weeks ago and deserves sufficient time to fight for conservative victories. In addition to allowing Speaker Johnson more time to succeed, this bill also ensures that our military personnel won't miss a paycheck during the holiday season and, separately, avoids a lapse in funding for agricultural programs critical to Florida’s Second Congressional District.

The fact of the matter is that shutting down the government is far more costly than passing this Continuing Resolution. I care about the families in my district who need certainty around the holidays. I care about a strong military during times of international instability.

I remain committed to lowering spending levels once this funding deadline is up in early 2024, securing our southern border, and continuing the fight for lower appropriations under Speaker Johnson's leadership.”
