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Read the FULL article here: MIL-OSI USA: Congressman Dunn Supports Simplifying Space Launch Communications |

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (Florida-02) joined Congressman Darren Soto (Florida-09) in introducing the Launch Communications Act (H.R. 682). This bill would eliminate unnecessary barriers that impede private companies from obtaining spectrum licenses required to launch rockets from the United States. The Launch Communications Act recently passed in the House Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.

“America leads the world in innovation and exploration; however, our current regulations and restrictions are holding us back from the next moonshot,” said Congressman Dunn. “The Launch Communications Act simplifies a burdensome process so we can maintain our competitiveness and encourage further space exploration. I’m grateful to my colleagues on the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology for voting in favor of a more efficient process that benefits private companies and the federal government.”

H.R. 682 aims to make it easier for private companies to obtain authorization and temporarily use the necessary spectrums. The legislation:

  • Requires the Federal Communications Commission to streamline the launch authorization process for commercial launches, eliminating the special temporary authority process, permitting multi-launch authorizations, and automating the frequency review process.
  • Is consistent with Space Policy Directive-2, issued by President Trump in May 2018, to streamline federal spectrum regulations and minimize regulatory burdens.

Read more about the bill here.
