Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC: Dr. Neal Dunn (FL-02) released the following statement after a Joint Session of Congress certified the Electoral College ballots today and officially recognized Donald Trump as the next President of the United States:

“It is an honor to take part in confirming Donald Trump as our next President. The American people spoke loud and clear about the need for change in Washington in November. I look forward to working with President-Elect Trump and Vice President-Elect Pence to tackle the tough issues that are plaguing this nation. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and truly make America great again,” said Dr. Dunn.

The Constitution requires Congress to review the Electoral College ballots through a joint session to ensure validity before the President-Elect is sworn into office. Several Democrat members of Congress challenged the votes during the Joint Session, attempting to impede the certification process.

“It’s disappointing that several of my Democrat colleagues in the House chose to disgrace the Constitutional process of officially recognizing our next President. It’s just plain wrong to play games with the electoral process. Instead, we need to unite behind our President-elect and move forward to fix the problems hardworking Americans are facing,” added Dr. Dunn.

Dr. Dunn represents the 2nd Congressional District of Florida, which includes all or part of 19 counties in North Florida. After medical school, Dr. Dunn served in the U.S. Army for more than 10 years. He later opened a surgical practice and community bank in Bay County. He lives there with his wife Leah. They have three sons and three grandchildren.
