Press Releases

Dunn: Florida’s Panhandle Needs Help Now

Congressman Dunn Continues to Fight For Disaster Funding

Feb 14 2019

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Neal Dunn issued the following statement on his vote against the House and Senate spending deal:

“The spending deal worked out by House and Senate leadership fails to address the needs of those in North Florida.

“It includes no money for Hurricane Michael disaster relief, does not seriously address the humanitarian crisis at our border, and was finalized at the last minute with little time for members to review the details. I cannot in good conscience support a bill that completely ignores all those who were devastated by disasters in 2018.

“We cannot continue to kick the can down the road on disaster funding. Florida’s Panhandle needs help now, not six months down the road. It’s been four months since Hurricane Michael hit and much of the Panhandle is still in ruins, with people living in tents and surviving on the bare essentials. We need to pass disaster funding and we need to do it now.

“Furthermore, Democrats promised they would work with President Trump to address border security - a promise they did not keep. This bill falls short of providing necessary funding to secure our borders and is forcing President Trump to declare a national emergency to get the job done. I believe we can and must do better.”
